Undergraduate Course – Goverment – Law (page 50)

CM 410 – The Church & the Law I
This study is designed to introduce the concepts of US Law as it relates to the church and Christian ministry. The focus will be on the myth of the separation of church and state, and the development of a Biblical theology regarding government.
(3 credits)

CM 412 – Taxes & the Ministry
A study of the tax laws as applied to ministry will be covered. The focus will be on the pastor as employee or self-employed, to pay or not to pay social security taxes. Also discussed will be the obligation, if any, of the church to be responsible to the IRS as a reporter of members’ gifts or deductions. The basics of this course will be just how much the church is affected by the current tax laws.
(3 credits)

CM 415 – US Legal Concepts
This course is open to all students and is designed for the pastor, churchman, educator, administrator, businessman who would like to increase his understanding of those legal principles which apply to normal everyday business transactions. Contract, property, insurance, wills, trusts, and torts will be covered. Issues and regulations associated with Christian ministry will be detailed.
(3 credits)

CM 420 – The Church & the Law II
This study is designed to introduce the concepts of US Law as it relates to the church and Christian ministry. The focus will be on the myth of the separation of church and state, and the development of a Biblical theology regarding government.
(3 credits)

CM 425 – Christian Schools & the Law
A study of legal issues affecting Christian schools today. The attention will be given to “compliance” with local, state and federal regulations. The Biblical principle of obedience to Scripture will be the clear guide in all of the course. A review of the negative impact of governmental entanglement and illegal intrusion into the church will be discussed. The focus will be on U.S. Constitutional issues.
(3 credits)

CM 430 – Religious Freedom- Constitutional Liberties
A detailed study of the U.S. Constitution and its associated amendments. Each amendment will focus on its impact on the local church. The student will be required to research the so-called “wall of separation of church and state,” and write a thorough paper on the subject.
(3 credits)

HI 201 – Church History I
See TH-201
(3 credits)