Graduate Course – Graduate Theology Studies (page 70-71)

TH 5300 – Ways God Is Made Known
This study is an introduction to the several ways God is made known. God reveals Himself to mankind in order to guide us to faith and fellowship. The student will become familiar with the unique ways God reveals Himself to mankind.
(3 credits)

TH 5310 – Bible Doctrines I
A survey study of five of the major doctrines of Christianity, including the Scriptures, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and angels (including Satan).
(3 credits)

TH 5310-e Bible Doctrines I
This e-course provides a study of the cardinal Biblical doctrines of the historic Christian faith. This course will introduce the student to the doctrines of God (Theology Proper), Jesus Christ (Christology), the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), Man (Anthropology), the Scriptures (Bibliology), and Salvation (Soteriology). Some forty other doctrinal summaries will be perused and put in proper perspective relative to major doctrines.
(3 credits)

TH 5320 – Bible Doctrines II
A continuation of survey study of the major doctrines of Christianity, covering the last five: man, sin, salvation, the Church, and last things.
(3 credits)

TH 5320-e Bible Doctrines II
This e-course provides a study of the cardinal Bible doctrines of the Christian faith. This course will introduce the student to the doctrines of the Church (Ecclesiology), the Scriptures (Bibliology), Angels (Angelology), Satan (Demonology), and Last Things (Eschatology).
(3 credits)

TH 5325 – Contemporary Theology
This course traces the trends and directions in today’s theological landscape. The student will study the basic contemporary theologies as well as modern world trends. Some of the theologies of today as the theology hope, process theology, theologies of success and liberation theology are just a few of the contemporary theological trends and movements to be studied.
(3 credits)

TH 5330 – History of Christianity I
A chronological study of the development of Christianity from the first century to the reformation, with emphasis on important persons and events affecting the direction and character of Christianity.
(3 credits)

TH 5330-e History of Christianity (Zondervan)
This e-course is a study of the Church from its inception at Pentecost to the beginning of the Reformation in A.D. 1517. Foundational in the study will be a concerned emphasis on the meager beginning in the upper room and the phenomenal growth in the early part of the book of Acts which traces that predicted growth from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria and ultimately to the uttermost parts of the Earth.
(3 credits)

TH 5340 – History of Christianity II
A continuation of history of Christianity I, covering the period from the reformation to the 20th Century. (Prerequisite: TH 5330)
(3 credits)

TH 5330-40 – Journey Through the Ages “The Kingdom of God” (7000 Year Biblical Timeline)
A “Big Picture” overview of Biblical History, including people and events, from Creation through the End of Times (Genesis through Revelation) Blended with World Empires, American History- Presidents, Wars, Discoveries and much more)
(3 credits)

TH 5341 – Hermeneutics
A study of general principles of Bible interpretation with consideration of various systems. Includes consideration and explanation of difficult passages and problem areas (prerequisites: BS 5100, 5101, 5110 and 5111, or their equivalent). Also listed as BS 5141.
(3 credits)

TH 5350 – Walk Through The Bible
The Divine Plan of Redemption as unfolded in the inspired Scriptures. The key to understanding the Bible is found in the truth about the Savior. The complete story of the coming of the Messiah will be revealed- the Central figure of all ages and the certainty of things to come in the future
(3 credits)

TH 5351 – Bibliology and Pneumatology
A study of the Bible and its Author, the Holy Spirit.
(3 credits)

TH 5352 – Theology Proper
An in-depth study of God- His existence and sovereignty. The different views of God will be explored.
(3 credits)

TH 5352-e Theology Proper
This e-course is a full, in-depth study of the doctrine of God. The course will study all of the attributes and appellations of God. There will be special emphasis on the sovereignty and tri-unity of God, and its effect on biblical Christianity.
(3 credits)

TH 5352-B – Christology
An in-depth study of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Who was Jesus Christ? This course will consider His birth, life, work, His temptations and sinless blood.
(3 credits)

TH 5353 – Angelology and Anthropology
A study of created intelligences. (Prerequisite: TH 5352)
(3 credits)

TH 5354 – Hamartiology and Soteriology
A study of sin and its remedy.
(Prerequisite: TH 5353)
(3 credits)

TH 5355 – Ecclesiology- The Doctrine of the Church
(External course) A study of the New Testament Church and officees of the Church, including the autonomy of the church.
(3 credits)

TH 5356 – Eschatology – “Things to Come”
An in-depth study of the future of the world from a Biblical perspective – focus will be on the rapture, the tribulation, the resurrection and Christ’s return.
(3 credits)

TH 5356-A – Panorama of Prophecy
An in-depth overview of every event in the Biblical text relating to the Rapture, Ruin, Return and Reign of Jesus Christ. A must for every Bible student that is serious about knowing Future Events.
(3 credits)

TH 5356-e Panorama of Prophecy
This e-course will provide an analysis of the events of the last days (eschatology). The course includes a survey of biblical prophecy from the pre-millennial, pre-tribulation perspective. All major eschatological events will be surveyed in chronological order. Each event will be referenced with the pertinent scriptural passages. The more important events will be analyzed with greater emphasis.
(3 credits)

TH 5357 – The Role of Women in Ministry
The analysis of the Biblical texts relates to pastors, teachers and deacons in the New Testament Church with special focus on women serving Jesus.
(3 credits)

TH 5358 – Old Testament Theology
A survey of the development of theology through the Old Testament, including unique features of theology as revealed through individual writers. (Prerequisites: TH 5310 & 20)
(3 credits)

TH 5359 – New Testament Theology
A survey of the development of theology through the latter testament, including unique features of theology as revealed through individual writers. (Prerequisites: TH 5310, 5320 and 5358)
(3 credits)

TH 5360 – Ecclesiology- The Doctrine of the Church
(Internal course) A study of the New Testament Church and offices of the Church, including the calling of pastors and deacons. The study will examine the purpose and pattern of the church. This is a required course.
(3 credits)

TH 5361 – Comparative Philosophies
A study of philosophy with emphasis on the errors of secular humanism and other approaches to the nature of man and the world.
(3 credits)

TH 5362 – Christian Ethics
A study of ethics according to the teachings of Christ and other New Testament sources, as applied to contemporary life.
(3 credits)

TH 5379 – Seminar In Theology
Students may take non-CTU seminars with prior approval and specified reading and writing assignments. Especially appropriate when fill-in credit is needed.
(1 – 2 credits)

TH 5363 – Apologetics
A study of the criticisms of the tenets of Christianity and the methodology of defending the truths of the Bible.
(3 credits)

TH 5389 – Project In Theology
Students may seek approval for specialized directed study in a theological area. Specially appropriate when fill-in credit is needed.
(1 – 2 credits)

TH 5398 – Thesis in Theology
Research and writing on an approved subject in theology in lieu of prescribed courses of study in the student’s degree program.
(6 credits)

TH 5399 – Thesis in Historical Studies
Research and writing on an approved subject in historical studies in lieu of prescribed courses of study in the student’s degree program.
(6 – 9 Credits)

TH 5400 – How Should We Then Live?
An in-depth analysis of the key events in history which have formed our present culture, and thinking of humanity which brought those events to pass. The study is designed to shed light upon the characteristics of our culture and seek Biblical solutions to the various problems facing society.
(3 credits)

TH 5405 – Spiritual Gifts
A survey of Biblical spiritual gifts. This course will study all of the gifts. As found in the Bible. Some of the gifts are timeless (continuous). Others are temporal (have ceased). The course will also allow the students to discover individual gifts and the application for daily living.
(3 credits)

TH 5410 – Postmodernism vs. Christianity
The study of today’s cultural and intellectual shift which seriously affect the future of theology and Christian life. Postmodernism designates the new mood and this study will define this ideology and offer Biblical responses.
(3 credits)

TH 5412 – Comparative Theology
An examination of a variety of religions, theological trends, and teaching. A major portion of the semester will examine Calvinism in view of conservative biblical truths.
(3 credits)

TH 5412-e – Calvinism Exposed
This e-course will reveal some major teachings of Calvinism that are in conflict with Biblical truth. The main theme of this study will be Calvinism’s misrepresentation of God.
(3 credits)

TH 5420 – Future Millennial Kingdom
This course will introduce the student to the biblical hope of the future earthly reign of Christ. It will acquaint the student with the promises of God as relate to the future earthly kingdom of God.
(3 credits)

TH 5441-C – Is Islam Tolerant
A study of Islam from its beginning 1400 years ago, noting the relationship to its surroundings throughout the world, particularly as it attains majority status. Explore the tolerance of Islam relating to its own adherent as well as other individuals and communities with different beliefs.Note the danger looming as the Muslims try to Islamize the world. (seminar)
(3 credits)