CM 110 – The Biblical Church
A study of the Biblical approach to church
administration. Includes an exegetical approach to the topics of the Purpose of the Church: the Church Leadership: pastors, deacons, elders, teachers, women, their roles, responsibilities & requirements, Church discipline: principles & practice.
(3 credits)
CM 120 – The Basis For Biblical Stewardship
An in depth study of biblical stewardship as found in Scripture. Going beyond just the command to tithe, this study will examine the question of who is a steward, the responsibility of a good steward and how a steward is to use his time, talents, treasures and testimony for the Glory of God. The question, “Does the Bible teach tithing in the New Testament?” will be addressed.
(3 credits)
CM 210 – Church Accounting
This course includes a study of the basic structure of accounting, including the accounting cycle. Also the theories matching revenues and cost, income measurements, and acquisition will be studied. Fundamental to this course will be the study of the unique features of accounting practices and principles for churches. The priority of wise stewardship in church finances will be a focus.
(3 credits)
CM 220 – Church Administration
A course designed to assess and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a good Christian leader. The student will also study Biblical leadership qualities and philosophies. Leadership in the local New Testament Church will be defined and detailed for application. The pastor’s role in leadership and the administration of church ministry will be detailed.
(3 credits)
CM 230 – Church Secretary
A study of the duties and responsibilities linked with the need for confidentiality in the church secretary’s office. An analysis of the varied tasks of a small church secretary’s duties. The students will be required to do a detailed overview of the methodology currently applied in their church for the hiring and supervision of a church secretary. The focus will be the Biblical concept of servitude.
(3 credits)
CM 240 – Library Management
This course is practical in its design. An involvement with hands-on cataloging and classification using the Library of Congress system of classification, the study of the Dewey decimal classification will be required. Students will be required to spend a fixed number of hours in the college-seminary Library.
(3 credits)
CM 310 – Media Communication
An exploration into the state-of-the-art media for the use and development in the local church will be done. Students will produce and exhibit presentations that will include graphics, clipart, computer design and possibilities for ministry. Some attention will be given to video, sound and interactive presentations.
(3 credits)
CM 315 – Personal Computers in Ministry
Designated to provide a general overview of IBM compatible personal computers with a ministry perspective. Course includes computer concepts, pre-purchase considerations, hardware, software, with introductions to MS-DOS, WordPerfect, Q&A, on-line Bible, Bible research & Educational applications, church administrative applications. (Same as CS 102)
(3 credits)
CM 320 – Church Constitution and Bylaws
This study walks the student through the step-by-step rationale and process of establishment of a legally solid church constitution and bylaws template. The course deals with the current moral and legal issues that face all churches and must be codified in said documents.
(3 credits)
CM 330 – Church Security
This course is vital for the church in a volatile society. It deals with the problems that demand security, the process that develops security, the people, the plan, and all the issues that must be understood and implemented for the protection of the church today. The study reviews actual cases of church burglary, robbery, vandalism, rape and murder.
(3 credits)