Prior Learning Assesment Portfolio Application (page 145-149)

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Applicants for PLA must be enrolled in and actively working toward the completion of one of the undergraduate or graduate degree programs.
The minimum requirements are as follows:

  1. Applicant must be at least 25 years old.
  2. Applicant must have a full-time, professional ministerial involvement for a minimum of 5 years.
  3. Application must be submitted and approved by the Admissions Department of CTU.
  4. Proficiency in Biblical fundamentals must be evidenced through the completion of at least two internal or external courses with CTU.
  5. The approval or denial of a PLA application is based upon the applicant’s proficiency, ministry involvement, and rationale for completing a PLA portfolio.

Request for application must be submitted in writing. The application must be completed, signed, and returned with the appropriate application fees.

  1. Please download and open the following pdf document.
  2. Print out this document.
  3. Fill in with pen. Attach additional pages for answers, if necessary.
  4. Mail completed forms to Admissions Office at Conservative Theological University

Download PDF Application Form