BS 5100-Old Testament Survey
A survey course, an overview of the entire Old Testament, with emphasis on authorship, dates, themes, content and the message for today.
(3 credits)
BI 5110e – Old Testament Survey
This ecourse provides the student with a foundational study of the authorship, date, and contents of the books of the Old Testament. This course will also put each book in perspective as it relates to the events of the Old Testament.
(3 credits)
BS 5101-Biblical Covenants
A Scriptural study of the seven Biblical Covenants that are written in the inspired Scriptures. The Bible is a Book of Promises, and God’s promises are sometimes given in the form of “covenants”.
(3 credits)
BS 5110-New Testament Survey
A basic study of Christ’s life as seen in the study of the New Testament. The inauguration of the church, the ministry and message of the Gospel and writings of the Apostles, a survey of each of the New Testament books including authorship and theme.
(3 credits)
BI-5110E- New Testament Survey
This ecourse provides the student with a foundational study of the authorship, date, and contents of the books of the New Testament. Major themes, doctrines, and events will be examined. The course will put each book in perspective as it affects the teachings of the rest of the New Testament.
(3 credits)
BS 5121- Old Testament Historical Books
Introduction to the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah. Learn the historical setting and spiritual lessons to know how God reveals His sovereignty through the events of history.
(3 credits)
BS 5131-Study of New Testament Literature (Survey)
A chronological and parallel approach to the literature of the NT in consideration of the uniqueness and harmonization of the various sections. Special emphasis is given to persons, events and messages. (3 credits)
BS 5141 – Hermeneutics
A study of general principles of Bible interpretation with consideration of various systems. Includes consideration and explanation of difficult passages and problem areas (Prerequisites: B55100, 5101, 5110, and 5111, or their equivalent). Also listed as TH-5141.
(3 credits)
BS 5145-Inspiration & Canonicity of the Scriptures
A survey of the evidence from early Christian centuries as to why our present New Testament books were chosen. The analysis of the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures including the history of acceptance of the Old Testament and New Testament Canon.
(3 credits)
BS 5145-e – How We Got Our Bible
This e-course will introduce the student to the claims of the Bible to be God’s revelation to mankind. Included in this e-course are helpful insights into topics such as Biblical Creation, inerrancy of Scripture, Purpose and meaning of life, and How we interpret the Bible. We will explore whether there are contradictions in the Bible.
(3 credits)
BS 5151-Creationism and Scriptural Evidences
A study of the creation and origin of the earth in light of scientific and Scriptural evidences, with emphasis on the problems faced by evolutionists.
(3 credits)
BS 5152 – Biblical Archaeology
A survey study of archaeological excavations in Bible lands, with emphasis on the methodology, chronology, deciphering and geographical arrangement in archaeological sites.
(3 credits)
BS 5161 – Basic Greek Grammar
An introductory study of Greek grammar to equip the student with a foundation for studying the Greek New Testament as a vital tool for the ministry. Lays foundation for more advanced study. (On Campus Only)
(3 credits)
BS 5162 – Intermediate Greek Grammar
A continuing study of Greek grammar with emphasis on declensions and tenses, pronouns and prepositions, New Testament vocabulary and translation (Prerequisite: BS5161). (On Campus Only)
(3 credits)
BS 5163 – Advanced Greek Grammar
A continuing study of Greek grammar covering
language mechanics, irregular terms, New Testament vocabulary and translations (Prerequisite: BS5162). (On Campus Only)
(3 credits)
(Following are Bible Book studies: in each case the book or books will have an investigation of the major teachings; no additional descriptions will be given with the respective books or sections.)
BS 5210-Genesis
(3 credits)
BS 5211 Exodus
(3 credits)
BS 5212 Leviticus
(3 credits)
BS 5213 Numbers
(3 credits)
BS 5214 Deuteronomy
(3 credits)
BS 5215 The Pentateuch
(3 credits)
BS 5216 Joshua, Judges and Ruth
(3 credits)
BS 5217 Israelite Kings and Kingdoms
I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles
(3 credits)
BS 5218 Major Prophets -Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel
(3 credits)
BS 5218-A The Book of Isaiah
(3 credits)
BS 5218-C The Book of Ezekiel
(3 credits)
BS 5219 Minor Prophets -Hosea through Malachi
(3 credits)
BS 5220 Isaiah-Jeremiah-Lamentations
(3 credits)
BS 5221 Ezekiel and Daniel
(3 credits)
BS 5222 Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther
(3 credits)
BS 5223 Hebrew Poetry in the Old Testament
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon.
(3 credits)
BS 5224 – Psalms
(3 credits)
BS 5225 Exposition of Psalm 119 (Seminar Only)
An exposition of Psalm 119 centering on the Bible, the Word of God and knowing God through knowing His word. Special emphasis on the homiletic value of this great chapter. Preparation of expository sermon outlines will be required.
(3 credits)
BS 5225 The Book of Jeremiah (external course)
Based upon the historical exegesis of each chapter of the Book of Jeremiah. Learn of this prophet’s predictions concerning the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, including God’s words of warning.
(3 credits)
BS 5231 Matthew
(3 credits)
BS 5232 Mark
(3 credits)
BS 5233 Luke
(3 credits)
BS 5234 John
(3 credits)
BS 5235 Acts
(3 credits)
BS 5236 Romans
(3 credits)
BS 5237 I and II Corinthians
(3 credits)
BS 5238 Galatians, I and II Thessalonians
(3 credits)
BS 5239 Prison Epistles
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon
(3 credits)
BS 5240 Pastoral Epistles
I and II Timothy, Titus
(3 credits)
BS 5240-e – Pastoral Epistles
This e-course will take an in-depth examination of the Pastoral Epistles: I and II Timothy, and Titus. The main focus will be on the Minister, the Ministry, and the Biblical mandate with an everyday application in the life of the student of God’s Word.
(3 credits)
BS 5241 Hebrews
(3 credits)
BS 5242 General Epistles
(3 credits)
BS 5243 The Revelation
(3 credits)
BS 5279 Paul’s Missionary Journeys
A study of the Apostle Paul’s life and ministry with special emphasis on the book of Acts and his later epistles. The historical and geographic aspect will increase relevance in the student’s own life and ministry.
(3 credits)
BS 5280 Parables and Miracles of Jesus
An analysis of Jesus’ parables and miracles. The focus will be on the application of Biblical miracles and parables in the Christian life.
(3 credits)
BS 5280-e – The Parables of Jesus
This e-course study is an introductory overview of the parables of Jesus as found in the synoptic Gospels. Using the Bible and the textbook, the student will be given a view of understanding the purpose of the parables.
(3 credits)
BS 5280-B Miracles of Jesus
An analysis of Jesus’ miracles. The focus will be on the biblical application for the believer. The analysis of the miracle to determine what constitutes a biblical miracle.
(3 credits)
BS 5289 Project In Biblical Studies
Students may seek approval for specialized directed study in a Bible studies area especially appropriate when fill-in credit is needed.
(3 credits)
BS 5299 Thesis in Biblical Studies
Research and writing on an approved subject in a Bible studies area in lieu of prescribed courses of study in the student’s degree program.
(6 – 9 credits)