TRANSFERRING CREDITS … (from Other Qualified Institutions)
CTU accepts transfer of academic credits from other institutions offering similar programs in content and quality.
Student should have those institutions submit official transcripts to Conservative Theological University. All transcripts are evaluated and grades accepted as they appear on the official transcript. A minimum grade of “C” in previous course work is required for credits to be accepted.
College credits earned at other institutions through prior learning experience, challenge exams, Bible content testing, and other CLEP credits may also be accepted for transfer. All credits taken at institutions other than Conservative Theological University must be approved for transfer by the Seminary. Some courses submitted for transfer of credits may require the submission of the course description, and/or evidence of academic work completed.
In all programs of study where transfer of credit is accepted, at least one year’s equivalent of study (30 semester hours credit) must be taken in regular CTU course work. This may be done via external courses or on campus (internal studies). In this instance, prior learning assessment (PLA) credit is grouped with transfer credits.
TRANSFERRING CREDITS … (to Other Institutions)
Should you decide to transfer credits from Conservative Theological University, please keep in mind the following.
- Transfer of academic credits from this institution to other institutions is at the sole discretion of the receiving institution.
- CTU makes no guarantee of the transferability of its credits to any institution.
- Each academic institution has its own criteria for acceptance of credits from other institutions; therefore, CTU cannot give any assurance of transfer of credits to any other institution.
- Credits earned through the highly focused, refined, theological courses offered by CTU generally will not meet the secular institution’s guidelines for transfer.
- CTU will release official transcripts of academic credits only upon your written request provided that all financial obligations to the university have been met.
Remember that faxed or telephoned requests must be verified to meet federal guidelines for the release of those records.
Conservative Theological University meets or exceeds educational standards as set forth by secular colleges and universities. Conservative Theological University is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. We are also certified by the Council of Private Colleges of America and the Florida Council of Private Colleges. All of our degree programs are designed, directed and taught for the sole purpose of equipping men and women for the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not for any secular job, profession of position. Therefore, CTU does not make any claims or give assurances of any transferability to other institutions. It may, therefore, be advisable to contact the institution to which transcripts will be submitted in order to confirm acceptance of CTU credits toward completion of that institution’s programs of study.