CO 201 – Introduction to Christian Counseling
A survey of the general field of counseling philosophy and techniques. Basic topical areas will be considered and also compared to secular psychology.
(3 credits)
CO 210 – Theology of Counseling
A unique but Biblical approach relating various doctrinal areas to the philosophical foundation and functional implementation of Christian counseling.
(3 credits)
CO 301 – Nouthetic Counseling
An introduction to the basic concepts and precepts of this expression of Biblical counseling, including a consideration of Scriptural directives.
(3 credits)
CO-301E – Nouthetic Counseling
This ecourse provides a study of what is becoming a powerful force in the body of Jesus Christ- Nouthetic Counseling. The student is introduced to the principles and precepts of this theologically based form of counseling. In view of the fact that we find so many non-Christian, non-Biblical counseling techniques and philosophies, with methodologies being employed which contradict the Word of God, the Christian must know what God’s Word has to say about this vital subject.
(3 credits)
CO 310 – Pastoral Counseling
A basic study of basic skills, methodology and application for the setting of pastoral ministry to guide people with problems toward solutions.
(3 credits)
CO 330 – Youth Counseling
A basic study of the development of human beings with special emphasis on understanding the problems young people with Biblical prevention and solutions.
(3 credits)
CO 430-439 – Seminar in Counseling
Students may take non-CTU counseling seminar with prior approval and specified reading and writing assignments. Especially appropriate when needing fill-in credit.
(3 credits)
CO 450-459 – Project in Counseling
Students may seek approval for specialized directed study in a counseling area. Specially appropriate when fill-in credit is needed.
(3 credits)
CO 470 – Counseling Practicum
Approved participation in a counseling ministry providing on-site instruction, exposure and experience.
(3 credits – optional)
CO 490 – Crisis Counseling
A study of the most challenging problems facing society today. Today’s society, including the Christian community are increasingly being faced with death, drugs, abuse, youth runaway, rape and severe relationship disruption. Counselor skills are required to enable Biblical, practical intervention. The student will deal with actual crisis cases to be analyzed as well as Biblical-theological principles for crisis counseling.
(Prerequisite: CO201 & 210)
(3 credits)