Graduate Course – Sacred Music (page76-A)

SMU 5910 – Introduction to Sacred Music
(3 credits)

SMU 5920 – Music Theory
(3 credits)

SMU 5930 – Introduction to Conducting
(3 credits)

SMU 5940 – Advanced Sacred Music
(3 credits)

SMU 5941 – Appreciation of Music
Analysis of the broad spectrum of musical art forms, including chant, classical, chamber music, country music, barbershop, bluegrass, silly songs, and sacred songs; interpretation and contributions made by music and musicians to society and culture; art forms which may be revived to influence all of us
(3 credits)

SMU 5960 – String Instruments
(3 credits)

SMU 5980 – Wind Instruments
(3 credits)

SMU 5990 – Music Workshop
(3 credits)