The Doctor of Biblical Philosophy (PhD) Degree Program offered by Conservative Theological University is unique among graduate degree programs available today.
Rooted in the philosophy that “the only good study is self-study”, the Conservative Theological University PhD program requires that the candidate be self-disciplined and possess the initiative and innovation characteristic of one working at the doctoral level.
The Doctor of Biblical Philosophy degree program requires the successful execution of 48 semester hours of graduate study, including the production of an academic dissertation. The program design is for academic scholarship and is exclusively a research program in variously designated fields. Research includes the areas of Biblical studies, theology, history of Christianity, counseling, religious education, preaching, and related fields.
While practical throughout, the program’s primary purpose is extensive research in the candidate’s selected field with the view to a product monograph that will contribute substance to that area of investigation.
The bi-monthly submissions of research work are carefully evaluated for quality, content and structure, and the competency of the candidate by the faculty. Each phase is analyzed and balanced by the candidate’s personal goals, allowing the candidate uninhibited scholastic freedom in pursuit of the studies. Simultaneously, the graduate professional recognizes his responsibility in academic and theological guidance. The candidate therefore must demonstrate how his studies would benefit academia and the Christian community.
The program requires a combination of supervised reading, survey of recognized scholars in the area of study-focus, personal interviews of scholars of renown, structured instruction, tutorials, and the writing of a dissertation.
The applicant must possess a Master of Theology or Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent and demonstrate competency in Biblical knowledge in addition to the related field of his intended investigation. Additionally, an applicant must demonstrate sufficient rationale for pursuing the degree. Where the applicant’s attainments demonstrate less than normally expected for entrance into the program, special evaluation by the graduate admissions council may be required.
All grading is based upon the soundness and competency of the scholarship involved and will be graded as either pass or fail. It is assumed that any individual who has attained unto the level of program acceptance is competent to complete it.
The normal time for completion of the Doctor of Biblical Philosophy degree program is 24 months. Depending upon one’s self-discipline, less time may be required. Any extension of the program time beyond 36 months must have special approval.
- Complete and submit the application for admissions.
- Enclose the application fee of $25.00, payable to Conservative Theological University.
- Request all appropriate certified transcripts to be sent directly to the university.
- Request the submission of three recommendations as indicated in the application for admission.
- Signed statement of faith.
As soon as these items have been received, your application will be processed by the Office of admissions. Upon acceptance, you will receive procedural instructions for commencing your first phase of studies.
48 Semester Hours
PHD951: Phase one, dissertation due
The candidate will complete (6) semester hours of study along with the first phase of the dissertation which consist of stating his interest and determining his need and method of procedure for collection and assimilation of data. Includes an interest essay, tentative outline, Bibliography to date, and research methodology.
PHD952: Phase two, dissertation due
The candidate will complete (6) semester hours of study along with the second phase of the dissertation, which consist of the development of an interview instrument for use in surveying recognized scholars who have expertise in his selected area of study-focus, and development of a formal letter to solicit their assistance.
PHD953: Phase three, dissertation due
The candidate will complete (6) semester hours of study and the candidate personally contacts and conducts a face-to-face interview with a recognized scholar in his area of study-focus. Emphasis is made on thorough planning, adequate preparation, complete note taking and analysis of the interview data.
PHD954: Phase four, dissertation due
The candidate will complete (6) semester hours of study; also the candidate compiles, filters, and logically arranges all analyzed research data and prepares his first draft of the research dissertation, using a carefully detailed outline.
PHD955: Phase five, dissertation due
The candidate will complete (6) semester hours of study and complete for submission and faculty review the second draft of the research dissertation
PHD956: Phase six, dissertation due
The candidate will complete (2) semester hours of study and present the final draft of the dissertation. Doctoral candidates will then be prepared to present in synopsis form, orally, the dissertation before a group of peers.
Application (non-refundable) $25.00
Registration (non-refundable) $75.00
Initial Semester (non-refundable) $30.00
(Paid upon application to doctoral studies)
Tuition $18,000.00
Graduation Fee $200.00
Fees and tuition costs are commensurate with other universities and seminaries. A payment plan is available for monthly installments until tuition is paid. Full tuition is due and payable as each phase is under-taken, and no refunds are made. Approved extensions of the program beyond the 36 months may require the additional payment of an extension fee.
All financial arrangements are contracted with the Office of Business Affairs, and subject to application approval. No degree will be granted until contractual arrangements are satisfied.
Ph.D. in Biblical Studies
The Doctor of Philosophy degree program is designed for those who are capable of doing research at the highest level with the goal of becoming scholars and educational leaders in the various fields of vocational Christian ministry.
Areas of Study – Focus
Of the 48 credit hours, 30 hours is required course study. Three of these hours are in Old Testament backgrounds, three hours in New Testament backgrounds, three hours in Hermeneutics, three hours in nouthetic counseling or Christian education, six hours in history of Christianity, and twelve hours in a focus concentration. The focus concentration may be in any of the categories as listed below:
Contemporary Theology
History of Christianity
Theological Analysis of Events, Movement, or Period
Evaluation of Theological Significance
Significance of an Important Historical Figure in Christian History
Biblical Studies
Old Testament Hermeneutics
New Testament Backgrounds
Nouthetic Counseling
Crisis Counseling
Youth Counseling
Marriage Counseling
Pre-Marriage Counseling
Christian Education
The History
The Accreditation Question
The Rationale
Third World Missions
Cross-Cultural Missions
Church Planting Missions
Selected Studies
Spiritual Warfare
Research Requirements:
The Ph.D. candidate must produce a highly refined, narrowly focused research dissertation. The dissertation must be a minimum of 400 single spaced (8 1/2 x 11) typed pages (consisting of a minimum of 50,000 words. The dissertation must conform to all CTU research and writing requirements.
48 Semester Hours – Six Submissions:
Submission One: |
2 hrs. |
Submission Two: |
2 hrs. |
Submission Three: |
2 hrs. |
Submission Four: |
2 hrs. |
Submission Five: |
2 hrs. |
Submission Six: |
2 hrs. |
TOTAL: | 48 hours |