Graduate Course – History (page 76)

HI 5810 – Puritanism
The student will study the rise of puritanism in England, its planting in New England, and its influence on both countries. Special attention given to personalities, religious beliefs, theories of state, society, and education.
(3 credits)

HI 5820 – Renaissance
The study of the transition in Europe from the middle ages to the early modern era, including the historical background, developments in thought and philosophy, humanism, the arts and government.
(3 credits)

HI 5830 – Reformation
The course will examine the precursors of the German reform with emphasis on the contributions of Martin Luther, the reformation in other countries, and the Roman Catholic reaction.
(3 credits)

HI 5840 – History of The American Constitution
A study of English and colonial background of constitutional government; the steps in the forming, adoption, and ratification of the U.S. Constitution; and the ways in which it had been modified, changed or adopted to the needs of a changing society.
(3 credits)

HI 5850 – Baptist History
The study of the historical origins, basic polity, contributions, distinctive doctrines and significant leaders of the Baptists.
(3 credits)