The Lure of the Occult

The Lure of the Occult


What are the dangers of spiritism, magic, and occultism? Is it okay to experiment with these practices? What does the Bible have to say about these topics?
This classic guidebook uncovers the attractions and dangers of demonic activity and encourages readers to confidently oppose the lure of the occult. Some of the many topics discussed include: astrology, fortune telling, ghosts, levitation, magic, palm readings, and telekinesis.
Kurt Koch(1913-1987) draws heavily from his private counseling practice and from Scripture to explore the work of Satan and to proclaim the victory that Christians have through Christ.  Paperback

Kurt E. Koch

Kregel Publications


10 in stock

SKU: 0-8254-3003-8 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 4.5 × .5 × 7 in