Education in the Truth

Education in the Truth


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Norman DeJong

P & R Publishing


This book offers teachers and administrators a distinctive, cogently stated, biblically based philosophy as a guide for practice in Christian schools.   216 pages, paperback

Norman De Jong is a retired minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He is 80 years old, in good health, and still loves to write, preach, and teach. He will soon be leaving for their winter home in Avon Park, Florida, where he will be teaching three different Bible studies: the adult Sunday School class at Covenant PCA in Sebring, Florida. That class will be intensively looking at the book of Revelation. On Tuesday evenings he will be teaching a class on the book of Ezra. On Wednesday afternoons, he will be teaching another group on the book of Revelation at Adelaide Shores RV Park in Avon Park, Florida. Based on last year’s experience, he anticipates between 80 and 90 persons in the 3 classes.

Since April of 2016, Dr. DeJong has been working on a new manuscript which he has entitled THE CROSS AND THE DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD. This book is an outgrowth of his studies on Revelation, which has sharpened his understanding of the Bible and increased his faith.

Dr. DeJong began his professional career as an educator, serving for 10 years as an administrator in Christian schools, plus 22 years as a college professor in charge of training teachers. At age 58 he gave up his tenured position and went off to seminary to become a pastor. Since then, he has been privileged to start two new churches for the OPC, one in Orland Park, Illinois and one in Fremont, Michigan. Further information is available at his web-page: He would love to hear from you.